RUN No: 2548 WESAK DAY! - PLEASE NOTE: RUN STARTS AT 5PM!!!! Date: 2024-05-22 Venue: Serendah, behind KTM station Hare: Nancy Stott Co-Hare(s): Rob Stott Scribe: Reuben Lamack Directions: GPS: 3.380461, 101.617322
IMPORTANT NOTICE! SINCE IT'S A PUBLIC HOLIDAY, RUN STARTS EARLIER THAN USUAL. RUN STARTS AT 5.00PM!!!! GPS Coordinates: 3.380461 101.617322 Take Route 1 north to Serendah. Continue to the traffic light that turns into the KTM station. Turn left then immediately turn right, Continue over the railway line.
ON-ON: Serendah Garden Restaurant 双文丹花园餐厅 47, Jalan Besar, Kampung Datuk Harun, 48200 Serendah