Membership is open to all persons irrespective of sex, race, or nationality.
No Malaysian University or University College student may be a member without
the written permission of the Vice-Chancellor concerned.
New members can join KL Harriettes after running at least once as a guest.
New members must pay a registration fee of RM20 and the respective subscription
fee upon application. A passport size photograph must be attached to the
application form.
Hashers from other chapters can become a member immediately.
RM70 per quarter OR RM270 for one year (paid by 31 January)
Each Non- beer drinker is given 1 non beer token per run which can be
exchanged for two softies.
All Males (and ladies who wish to drink beer):
RM210 per quarter OR RM800 for one year (paid by 31 January)
Each beer drinker is given 2 beer tokens per run which can be exchanged
for two beers or six softies (or one beer and three softies).
Non-beer tokens cannot be exchanged for beer. Beer tokens can
however, be exchanged for three (3) soft drinks per token.
N.B. No refund will be given if a member should resign or take leave of absence
Guest Fees
Guest fee is RM30 and must be paid before the start of the run.
The Guest is entitled to two beer tokens per run which can be exchanged for two
beer or six softies (or one beer and three softies).
All non-members present at the run site are considered guests and will be
charged accordingly, whether they run or not.
For youngsters below the age of 18, the fee is RM10.
Each youngster is given 1 non beer token per run which can be exchanged for two
Note: Guest fees at 'special' runs may be higher
Quarterly Subscription Payment
April - June
July - September
October - December
Collection is at the beginning of each quarter. However, members are encouraged
to pay the full year in advance.
The preferred method of payment is by 'e-banking', either by making an on-line
transfer or at an ATM machine to:
Name of bank:
Name of account:
Kuala Lumpur Hash House Harriettes
Account Number:
3188740921(Current Account)
Bank Address:
36 & 38 Jalan Maarof, Bangsar Baru, 59100
Bank Swift Code:
When making the transfer, please print and submit copy of the receipt to the
Cash payment can be made to Assistant On Cash at the run site.
Membership obligations, leave of absence and resignation
We are a club, not a pub and not a charity organization. All quarterly subscriptions
are due on the first month of each quarter (January, April, July, October), but you
may pay a full year in advance.
Overseas members must pay in January of each year.
Arrears and fines
If a member's subscription falls in arrears for more than one month they shall be given
written notice. Any member who allows their arrears to exceed two months shall
automatically cease to be a member.
In the event that the member wishes to reinstate their membership, they shall pay,
in addition to their arrears, a fine of approx 15% of the arrears:
RM9 per quarter (Ladies / non-beer)
RM30 per quarter (Males and ladies who drink beer)
Members who wish to resign are requested to send an email to the On Sec at least two
weeks prior to the date of effect. This will prevent unnecessary accumulation of
outstanding debt.
Members are welcome to rejoin the club at anytime. They only need to pay the current
quarter fee, provided they have not owed the club any money prior to their resignation
otherwise they will be asked to pay any arrears as well as the current quarterly fee.
(see above)
Leave of Absence (LOA)
Members who are absent from the KL area for more than two months are required to give the
no less than two weeks’ notice in writing in which event they will not be liable to
pay subscriptions until they return.
Members who are on long term illness or injury are required to give the On Sec notice
in writing as soon as possible from date of desired LOA in which event they will not be
liable to pay subscriptions until they return.
Application for the LOA must be in writing to the On Sec stating the reason and the length
of absence at least two weeks prior to the desired start date of LOA for Committee approval.
Run setting
All members have an obligation to set a run 6 months after joining and thereafter to be
rotated on the hareline.
The run length should be set to enable the FIRST LADY on paper to come in within 1 hour
15 minutes.
Run directions: try to send in your GPS coordinates, run directions and On On
location to the Trail Mistress and/or On Sec three weeks before the run.
Please note: not everyone has a smartphone or is able to use GPS coordinates
(for example Ramli!) so please send in your run directions as well.
All information will be uploaded on the website as provided by the Hare. Please be
considerate and don't expect committee members to spend their free time
searching old run directions for your run.
In the event that the hare is unable to set the run on the assigned date, it is the hare's
responsibility to find an replacement hare and inform the Trail mistress accordingly. It
is NOT the responsibility of the Trail Mistress to find a replacement hare. However, the
Trail Mistress can help by providing members' contact details upon request.
After the run, the Hare signs everyone in. If anyone returns late or is missing, it is
the responsibility of the Hare, with the assistance of the GM or Committee-in-charge to:
- to wait at the run site for a reasonable time
- to organise a subsequent rescue plan if necessary
- appoint a Cohare (or another person) to coordinate the On On at the restaurant.
All hashers are advised to carry a torch and a mobile on the run so that they are contactable
should they become lost
Overtime payment to drink provider.
The bar will be closed at 8:30pm to allow the Assistant On Cash and Drinks Provider to complete
their administrative duties and leave the run site by 9pm.
If the Drinks Provider is required to remain on site after 9:00pm, an overtime payment of RM30
will be made to him.
Hares who wish to have an On On on site are expected to pay the drinks provider RM30 for overtime.
This will be collected by the assistant On Cash to give to the Drinks Provider at the end of the event.
Late Arrivals
Late arrivals after the start of the run are recommended to go out on the home trail and turn back after
half an hour. This is to ensure that everyone is back at the run site at a reasonable time so as not to
inconvenience the hares, committee and drink provider.
All members and guests are solely responsible for their own health and safety.
All hashers are recommended to carry a torch and a mobile phone on the run so that they are contactable should
they become lost.